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A Quick Primer on HTML Tags

The "League Information Board" on the View League page and the "Instructions to Teams" on the Division Schedule page can be formatted using html tags. If you are not familiar with html, here is a brief primer on how to use them.

Formatting tags usually come in pairs. For example, if you want to set some text as bold you bookend the tags <b> and </b> around the text like this:

<b>This text is set in bold.</b>

It looks like this:

This text is set in bold.

If you also want to underline it you use the tags <u> and </u>:

<b><u>This text is set in bold and underlined.</u></b>

The result looks like:

This text is set in bold and underlined.

Tags can have attributes that can do a variety of things such as setting font color or size, background color, alignment of text, etc. There is a descriptor that accompanies the attribute. For example, to set text color to red, you can do the following, where "color" is the attribute and "red" is the descriptor:

<font color='red'>This sentence is in red text.</font> This sentence is in black.

This sentence is in red text. This sentence is in black.

The following is a list of useful basic tags for formatting text:

<b> </b>bold text
<u> </u>underline
<i> </i>italics
<big> </big>big text
<small> </small>small text
<font> </font>to specify font
<br>line break

Tables are very handy for formatting lists or to arrange text in columns. The most commonly used table tags are (all arranged in a table):

<table> < /table>start/end of table
<tr> < /tr>start/end of row
<td> < /td>start/end of cell

A common set of attributes and descriptors:

aligncenter, left, righttext alignment
red, green, blue, yellow
black, gray, silver, white
purple, navy, teal, olive
text color
background color

For more information on HTML go to W3 Schools

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