Go to Games Refereed to generate a report showing the games refereed by each referee. You can specify the date range for the report. The report will use the referee payment table (See Set Referee Pay) to determine the payment for each game and the total for the period specified. If either the No-Show or Paid checkboxes are checked, then payment for that game will not be included in an exported report.
Once you have created the desired report you can generate referee payment reports using the template by following this procedure:
1. Click on Export Referee Payment Data.
2. A page will be displayed where you select the report format you wish to see. The choices will include all supported payment provider formats as well as a "Tab-delimited" option. You may also change the date range or season. Make your selection and click on Run Report.
3. If you selected a payment provider format, you will be taken to another page to select the report to view. There you will have up to four options: Report of <Payment Provider> Payments Owed Report of <Payment Provider> Payments Made Report of No ID Payments Owed Report of No ID Payments Made. The first two are the custom exports for your payment provider, the other two are reports for all referees for whom no payment provider credentials have been supplied.
4. Select one of the reports offered and you will be taken to a page with the report data. Save this data as a file using the ".txt" extension for file type. If you are using a payment provider, that report should be suitable for submission to the provider.
Note: The file created if you selected Tab-delimited and/or the file created for referees with no payment provider credentials is identical to the format used if you don't use a payment provider. Please see the Previous page for information on how to utilize that report.